TouchPoint Contact Centers, Inc. was founded to give businesses an alternative to the traditional call center outsourcing companies. These traditional players treat contact center services like a commodity, and accept high attrition, low skill levels and mediocre service as a necessary evil of contact centers.

At TouchPoint, we believe that low attrition, world class service and true customer focused management is not only achievable, but is the only way to run a contact center.  We have created a business model that changes the game for contact centers – we pay our associates better, we deliver better services, we take better care of our clients – and our bill rates are, on average, 33% lower than the market.  It’s not a paradox – it’s TouchPoint.

So get more for less.  Call us.

BOTTOM LINE: Tremendous flexibility in bill rates while allowing investments in the critical front line employees - CSRs and Supervisors. In other words, you’re not paying for expensive suits in expensive centers.


Higher paid, higher skilled agents

Lower attrition rates

Lower bill rates

Better quality


© 2011 TouchPoint Contact Centers, Inc. All rights reserved